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Accexx Insight (AXI) has decades of experience helping higher educational institutions of all types address strategic issues such as performance improvement, operating efficiency, cost management and reduction, growth strategy, organizational
effectiveness, and funding strategy. We believe that these training opportunities will enhance our schools, faculty, staff, and leaders, as a result, become conducive environments that produce graduates and citizens that will positively impact their communities and the nations.
How we help clients
Higher institutions are reacting with determination and creativity to the new challenges they face. Budget deficits have mushroomed following sudden declines in endowment values, deep cuts in education funding, and limits on tuition increases.
Competition in the global job market is making new programs, new training, and new models of instruction essential in order for students to obtain gainful employment after graduation. And amidst a fluctuating student population, universities and colleges are harnessing new technologies, such as e-learning, as a way to reach even more students.
These pressures place core academic missions of teaching, research, and outreach at risk. To help bring the focus back to schools' core missions, AXI is helping higher institutions get back on the path to success:
We are working to redesign the university and college models to make higher education a reality for more students across the globe.
We closely examine school operations and organizations to determine which administrative support functions, and redundancies, are diverting scarce resources away from higher education's core purpose.
We are finding ways to rationalize traditionally decentralized and highly complex organization structures with widely disparate service levels and unworkable spans of control.
Our Focus
Higher Education
Vocational Education
Education Technology and Services
Lifelong Learning
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